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295 weeks ago

Sengoku Basara Dubbed Hindi Movie Free Download Torrent > DOWNLOAD

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In the age of the Warring Countries, Japan was fragmented in semi-independent provinces, governed by feudal lords or daimyo, who confronted each other in an endless struggle for power. Ambitious daimyos from every corner of the Archipelago had shouted their battle cry. They were Takeda Shingen from Kai, Sanada Yukimura, Uesugi Kenshin from Echigo, Azai Nagamasa from Omi, Tokugawa Ieyasu from Mikawa, and many more… Those were days of unrest and chaos. As war spread throughout the country, the map of power underwent rapid and dramatic changes. In this never-ending conflict, one man finally seemed to be just one step from establishing total control over the country. He was the lord of Owari, the Sixth Heavenly Devil King. His name was Oda Nobunaga. But now, a young general clad in azure makes his unexpected appearance in this confused scenario, heading a huge army of cavalrymen from the Northern provinces. He is known as Date Masamune, the One-Eyed Dragon. And he is coming for Oda Nobunaga's head, and for ultimate supremacy!
If you&#39;re want an anime recommended to you, I recommend this one.<br/><br/>Based on an enjoyable video game that was somewhat based on the Sengoku Period, this anime takes place in a massive warfare between a group of factions at each others throughts.<br/><br/>The Character work was really well done, there is bound to be a character you will love, and one you will hate. Some are violent, some are peaceful. Some are intellectual and some are buffons. All major characters are abridged for entertainment purposes such as having modern weaponry or even punching oceans. <br/><br/>Each episode, you will experience flashy fighting and subtle humour. Some scenes are quite tragic and a few even disturbing.<br/><br/>The Music itself is good because it does it&#39;s part in setting the mood (the mood mostly being a rushing feeling) especially in terms of it&#39;s casual fight scenes.<br/><br/>Sengoku Basara gets my 10 out of 10
Based on a video game series that itself turned Japanese history into a comic book, this is the coolest anime show I&#39;ve seen in quite some time. You see, the &quot;Sengoku&quot; of the title refers to the &quot;Sengoku&quot; or &quot;Warring States&quot; period of Japanese history, which lasted over 100 years and saw constant battle as numerous factions fought for territory and control. Several of the characters are even based on actual people…but here they are given flashy, colorful outfits that make them look like medieval superheroes/villains, wield badass kung-fu weapons, have nicknames like &quot;One-Eyed Dragon&quot;, &quot;Tiger of Kai&quot; and &quot;The Devil King&quot;, spout dialog that sounds like Sheakespeare on testosterone (it&#39;s cooler than it sounds), and use Dragon Ball Z-style super powered martial-arts moves that boldly defy the laws of physics. One character even has a motorcycle handle bars and exhaust pipes on his horse! If you think that sounds over the top…well, thats the whole idea.<br/><br/>I&#39;ll admit that some of the characters are fairly shallow (a couple don&#39;t even have any personality at all), but given the source material (the SB games have a LOT more action than plot) and that the series is so short &amp; so crowded, it does good with what it&#39;s got. And its good points more than make up for its flaws. It has beautiful animation, high octane action scenes, good character moments between the mayhem, and even provides equal opportunity fan service (not only are there men with handsome/pretty faces and great bodies, it throws in a few hot babes, chiefly a well endowed ninja chick with a costume that also defies the laws of physics)! And really, you cant ask for much more than that in a good anime show.

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